‘ John E. Pennington, Snohomish County’s former Director of Emergency Management, Linked to Largest Corruption Scandal in Washington State’s History”

Most of you know me as the investigator blogger/reporter in Snohomish County Washington who exposed Snohomish County Executive Aaron Reardon for the criminal harasser scum bag that he is. Scott North, who claims to be a friend to open government recently stated that I was a prolific public requester; Scott North conveniently left out these facts, probably because he doesn’t like be “scooped” especially by someone who only works at reporting part-time.

But that’s ok because Scott North and I are supporters of Open Government, so I’ll forgive him for leaving off the fact that I am a journalist and an author.

What many of our readers may not know is that the Snohomish County Daily Herald’s February 13, 2013, article ” Reardon’s staff linked to harassment” was just the tip of the iceberg on Aaron Reardon’s little RICO gang of thieves.

The events that lead up to Reardon’s staff being exposed were first unearthed by the Gold Bar Reporters in late summer 2012. Because two dumb as a fuckin posts Snohomish County executive employees Kevin  ” Thomas” Hulten and Jon Rudicil, both directly linked to one of Washington State’s biggest piece of shit, Senator Steve Hobbs, were simply sloppy and uneducated on how to set up a blog, like Reardon and his gang did on the Sky Valley Chronicle.

see http://www.heraldnet.com/article/20130214/NEWS01/702149999

After seeing emails and Outlook calendars from public records we requested on disgraced Executive Reardon, we learned that Senator Tracey Eide, Senator Steve Hobbs, convicted criminal harasser Kevin ” Thomas” Hulten and Aaron Reardon  were having “special meetings” in Aaron Reardon’s Office in early January 2013. This was one month prior to the Daily Herald’s story ” Reardon’s Staff Linked to Harassment.”

Once Reardon’s executive officers got caught with their pants down, and emails connected Aaron Reardon’s staff to criminal harassment, I filed a 10 M tort claim upon Snohomish County, Washington, noting that the Daily Herald only covered part of the story.  The other half of the story involves John E. Pennington’s involvement in tossing Snohomish County Whistleblower Tamara Dutton under the bus to save a much bigger political fish named Deanna Dawson.

From public records we are confident to report that not only was Tamara Dutton engaged in an extramarital affair with Reardon, but Deanna Dawson, President of Southern Washington Association of Cities, was also engaged in an extramarital affair with Reardon.  Unlike Tamara Dutton, Deanna Dawson lied in her statement to the Washington State Patrol during the Reardon investigation.  This issue is water under the bridge but it sure does help understand how we got to where we are today.

In a nutshell, Reardon’s ” little RICO gang” threw Tamara Dutton under the bus to save Deanna Dawson from political ruins for sleeping with a married executive. For this, we are going to keep our eyes open on issues that relate to Dawson because any female that would toss another female under the bus to save their ass is a piece of shit that deserves public scrutiny.

Then in late February 2013, the Snohomish County council stripped control of our public records from Aaron Reardon’s control. Scum bag Reardon resigned, but not before ordering Snohomish County Prosecutor Margaret King and Sean Reay to write and file WA State Bar complaints against Gold Bar reporter Anne Block (me).

Whether Mark Roe knew whether or not that Sean Reay and Margaret King had entered Reardon and Pennington’s conspiracy to harm me is still under investigation, hence why Prosecutor Mark Roe was not listed as a defendant in my RICO suit.

To Mr. Roe’s credit, it appears that he did not know until I filed a First Amendment Brief with the WA State Bar basically telling the Bar to stay out of my First Amendment activity outlining a bit of what we write here.

In July 2013, Crystal Hill Pennington sent me a private “tweet” stating ” can’t wait to go to your disbarment hearing. ” The tweet didn’t say ” I hope you get disbarred” it said I cant wait to go to your disbarment hearing” as though the fix was already in. Crystal Hill Pennington’s Tweet prompted me to start investigating WSBA lead counsel Linda Eide’s connection to all of this.

It didn’t take a genesis to connect the dots between WSBA lead counsel Linda Eide and Senator Steve Hobbs’s and John Pennington’s friend Senator Tracey Eide. Eides are related.

Why Reardon’s gang of thugs wanted to get me disbarred was simple, I, not the Herald reporters, basically exposed Reardon for the criminal he is, and I filed a 10 M tort claim upon the County for his little RICO gang’s constant harassment on a Snohomish County controlled blog spot titled ” Sky Valley Chronicle”; and the City of Gold Bar’s Mayor Joe Beavers has been hiding Reardon and the Penningtons’ emails crimes for over five years costing the taxpayers of Gold Bar over 1 Million dollars with no end in sight.

As I have stated time and time again, there shall be no end until the City of Gold Bar complies with the Public Records Act. Further, the dumb asses thought that somehow by getting me disbarred this would reduce their liability.

What we uncovered over the last year will only greatly increase their liability, and since Kevin Hulten plead guilty to criminal harassment, he and the county at min. will be deposed. Once deposed, the whole shit and caboodle comes out . What John and Crystal Pennington and Gold Bar’s demented old Mayor Joe Beavers did on the Sky Valley Chronicle only enhances damages. An issue we will save for federal court, and after the assholes got caught criminally harassing me, they continued under the leadership of Executive John Lovick and without detection of Prosecutor Mark Roe.

I say blindly, somewhat, without the detection of Prosecutor Mark Roe, because John and Crystal Pennington recently set up a Twitter account “ NSCrier” posting only pictures of Tamara Dutton in a jail jumpsuit, John Lovick, and Mark Roe ( posting information about Mark Roe’s DUI arrest in King County earlier this year. An issue that we’re not interested in unless Mr. Roe harmed another human life, which he DID NOT). In addition, we reviewed Mark Roe’s email communication during a two year period, and besides seeing very unprofessional emails between Mark Roe and John Koster about Judge Wiseman, I didn’t see much to be too concerned about. But nonetheless, I decided to post Mark Roe’s emails hoping that Mark Roe would learn a lesson that as a politician his actions are subject to public scrutiny.

In October 2014, I filed a First Amendment injunction against the WA Bar citing massive corruption. In my response to the WSBA’s political payoff ( Yes we are claiming that Pennington and Reardon paid off WA Bar Hearing Officer Lin O’Dell using O’Dell’s convicted murderer boyfriend Mark Plivelich to make the payment exchanges with the Penningtons in Duvall and will be posting our findings within the next week or sooner) to disbar myself, and on behalf of Aaron Reardon and John and Crystal Pennington, I submitted a hell of a lot of evidence that John E. Pennington ran illegal background checks, is in fact a pedophile, etc. ( see Gold Bar Reporters archives for more information).

I also submitted at least one hundreds posts John and Crystal Pennington and Gold Bar’s Mayor Joe Beavers posted on the Sky Valley Chronicle. A source inside Snohomish County Prosecutor’s Office informed us that Mark Roe called Pennington and said “ If you don’t stop harassing Block on the Sky Valley Chronicle, I’ll charge You with cyber-stalking” immediately John and Crystal Pennington and Gold bar’s Mayor joe Beavers stopped.

For this reason, I do not believe that Mark Roe knew that PENNINGTON, King, and Reay were posting on the Sky Valley Chronicle. I only fault Mark Roe for not monitoring his employees, and have since decided not to Recall him. I also thank him.

An additional thank you to Gold Bar’s current Mayor Linda Loen, who confirmed the Penningtons and Beavers involvement in cyber-staking me on the County controlled Sky Valley Chronicle.

Because this story is huge, and involves a financial pay off using federal resources, this blog is just the first in a series of posts to follow on this story. So stay tuned on Monday morning following Thanksgiving; what we uncovered and will report on will send a shock wave through the 40,000 WA State Bar members and John Lovick’s career will end as a result of John Pennington, just as Aaron Reardon’s did. Reform is coming,

A special Happy Thanksgiving thank you to my childhood hero Frank Serpico.


  1. Reblogged this on Snohomish County Corruption and commented:
    It looks like I have some catching up to do. RIght now I am so fixed on the scam being run by O”Dell Nappi Grovdahl, Peterson, & a few other on vulnerable adults that I am behind on the SnoCo drama. I wish I could get the Gold Bar Reporter to believe me when I tell her someone is no good, in the end it always turns out I was right, Scott North’s assertion that he is the only “real journalist” is hogwash. He is a journalist in the sense that he has a job working for a paper, we ARE journalist in the sense that our stories aren’t influenced by any outside advertisers or government entities. So we are journalists who are free to investigate & report on what is in the best interest of our readers, not our advertisers or any politcal hacks. I’d rather be an independent journalist then a paid writer any day. A piece of paper does not make one good at what they do, nor does it mean they are doing it for the right reasons…


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