Recall Petition Ok’d by Superior Court Judge to proceed against Snohomish County, Washington, Sheriff Adam Fortney for dereliction of his official duties as a public officer

UPDATE: Washington State Superior Court Judge Ok’d a Recall Petition filed by Snohomish County activist Lori Shavlik against Sheriff Adam Fortney.  Even if the Recall doesn’t proceed, Sheriff Fortney will likely not be elected to a second term.




Sheriff Adam Fortney

On April 22, 2020, Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney issued a “proclamation” that he will not enforce Governor Jay Inslee’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy Order. This after  the Center for Disease Control informed America that a pandemic has erupted because of the corona-virus. 

On April 23, 2020, Snohomish County resident Lori Shavlik filed a Recall Petition against Sheriff Adam Fortney.

Ms. Shavlik issued a statement  “This is not about politics, this is about Law and Order. As long as he is wearing the badge and uniform of a County Sheriff, Mr. Fortney has a duty to enforce all the Laws, not just the ones he personally agrees with.”

As our County Prosecutor Adam Cornell has stated ” Mr. Fortney’s conduct is: irresponsible, unhelpful in these difficult times, and contrary to the rule of law,” And that he fears  “that the recent statements of Sheriff Fortney will be interpreted by some citizens around the state to grant license to willfully and blatantly violate the law.”

Recall Petitioner Shavlik  stated ” I concur with these statements of our elected County Prosecutor, and believe that Mr. Fortney should either resign or be recalled.”

Shavlik’s Recall Petition against Sheriff Adam Fortney. asserts that Sheriff Fortney is guilty of dereliction of his official duties as a public officer sworn  in his Oath Of Office to uphold the laws of Washington State. Instead, Sheriff Adam Fortney decided to unilaterally declare Governor Inslee’s Order as void because he alone stated that its “unconstitutional.”

Washington State Attorney General Bob Ferguson agreed with Recall Petitioner Lori Shavlik,  and tweeted “Sheriff Fortney does not get to decide what is constitutional. That is up to the courts.”



April 21, 2020, King 5 U Tube video, whereas Sheriff of Snohomish County, Adam Fortney, states that he will not enforce the laws of Washington State.

According to our counsel, “Adam Fortney is committing crimes against the taxpayers of Snohomish County. ” 

RCW 42.20.100

Failure of duty by public officer a misdemeanor.

Whenever any duty is enjoined by law upon any public officer or other person holding any public trust or employment, their willful neglect to perform such duty, except where otherwise specially provided for, shall be a misdemeanor.

Sheriff Adam Fortney is no stranger to those of us who have exposing massive corruption inside Snohomish County government.

In October 2018, Snohomish County Sheriff  Officer Art Wallin, a personal friend to Sheriff Adam Fortney,  murdered an unarmed Snohomish County resident, Nickolas Peters.  He was only 24 years of age.

After the murder of Nickolas Peters, then Snohomish County Sheriff Ty Trenary ordered an independent investigation of the murder of Peters, and the final investigative report found that Deputy Art Wallin’s murder of Peters was not warranted, further found Wallin was guilty of using excessive force. KIRO 7 reports

So what did the newly elected Sheriff Adam Fortney do? Once he was sworn in, he rehired Wallin and further misappropriated thousands of taxpayer money and issued back pay for two years.

Soon thereafter, allegations surfaced that a resident had taken a video of Deputy Wallin’s murder of Peters.  The video taker was questioned by Sheriff Adam Fortney and Detective Shawn Stich, who handed a copy of the video below to both officers, and asked by  Sheriff Adam Fortney to never tell anyone about the video.

Initial police reports signed and submitted into public record by Deputy Wallin, stated falsely, that Nick Peters was trying to evade the police when he shot and killed Peters, and had refused to bring his truck to a stop.

The video contradicts Deputy Wallin’s statements.

The video below shows that Nickolas Peters was not a threat to any officer, did in fact have his hands up in the air, the truck was idle not evading police as Officer Wallin falsely stated in police reports.

Deputy Wallin fired at least four gunshots at point blank rage, murdering Peters.



The above video was obtained by the public records act shows Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney puling the hair of a passenger, who was already in hand cuffs laying on the ground, and slamming her head into the ground

Sheriff Adam Fortney was sworn in 2019 as Snohomish County Sheriff Officer, apparently forgot that lying and violating the civil rights of citizens hardly meets the definition of upholding the laws of Washington and complying with basic min. Constitutional provisions in place since the birth of our nation.

Sheriff Adam Fortney’s latest “disregard for human life” with disobeying the Governor’s Stay Home, Stay Healthy Order is just more evidence of his deviant criminal conduct.



Soon after the concealed  video was released, Snohomish County Council voted to settle the wrongful death suit filed by the Peters’s family for $1,000,00.00, and the newly elected Sheriff Adam Fortney “rehired”  Art Wallin reinstating him with back pay ( at the county taxpayers’ expense) as a deputy sheriff K-9 handler with the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office.

After viewing the above video obtained under RCW 42.56, several facts are as clear as the skies over Normandy Beaches.  Peters had his hands above his head in plain view of  officers Wallin and Stich, his car was not moving as previously claimed by Wallin, and Deputy Stich jumped on the hood of Peters’s truck just before Wallin fired least two shots at point blank range murdering Peters.

Wallin police incident reports signed and declared to under oath falsely stated that the Peters’s truck was moving. Not sure about our readers, but not only does the video document that Wallin should be added to the Brady List ( as any other dirty lying cop should be), but it’s hard to jump on the hood of a moving truck.

Not sure about our readers, but we’re not sure how a suspect with his hands up in the air, with his car idle and not moving, could pose a physical threat to an officer, especially when that officer jumped on the hood of the suspect’s moving truck.

Let’s call it what the video clearly show it was, it was a murder of a fellow Washingtonian by our lovely Snohomish County Sheriff Officer Deputy Art Wallin.

Nothing new in Snohomish County government where the criminals are running our judiciary, our prosecutors, our public defenders, and our Sheriff Office, and being directed by Association of Washington Cities to hide and destroy public records as “risk management.”

In both these cases, Special Assistant Attorney General, Sara DiVittorio, who managed for Association of Washington Cities and the Washington State Attorney General’s Office of Risk Management ( also known as Department of Enterprise Services), Snohomish County’s Public Disclosure Unit has committed countless felonies against the taxpayers of Washington State by hiding and destroying public records to limit liability. Instead of correcting criminal behavior committed by public officials, like former Director of Emergency Management, John Edward Pennington Jr. who raped, kidnapped, and then tried to murder a 5 year old girl in Cowlitz County, Sara DiVittorio was destroying and hiding public records to limit financial liability to the agencies.

In State of Washington v Keland Guinn

769642 In re the Welfare of AH Amended MAR

Newly elected, and fine Sheriff in blue, Sheriff Adam Fortney, said his predecessor erred when he concluded Deputy Wallin violated policy,  and against the advice of counsel, rehired Wallin. Adam Fortney and Art Wallin attended the Washington State Police Academy together,and have been personal friends ever since.

Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney is nothing more than a common criminal and should be Recalled from office before he misappropriates additional public money to cover up the murder of  your son or daughter.

We are one another’s brothers and sisters.  Nickolas Peters was murdered by Snohomish County Sheriff Officer Art Wallin, and Sheriff Adam Fortney covered up his murder as a favor to a friend, Art Wallin.

Is this really the best that the voters of Snohomish County can do?

Does Snohomish County taxpayers really need another murderer on its payroll? 

It’s time to Recall Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney for his crimes against “we the people.”

Snohomish County Sheriff Adam Fortney’s lawyers at  Keating, Bucklin, and McCormack, who helped Snohomish County cover up the murder of Nickolas  Peters caught tampering with National Crime Information Center Data

     Soto    profile-1-20-amanda-g-butler-senior-associate--370Ragonesi


Shannon Ragonesi,                     Ann Marie Soto,              Amanda Butler            


Well, well, nothing new for Association of Washington Cities star attorneys who are withholding evidence to limit financial liability to the agency.  According to public records, Shannon Ragonesi and Amanda Butler, at Keating, Bucklin, and McCormack withheld the above video documenting that Sheriff Adam Fortney and Deputy Wallin belong in a federal prison.

In November 2017, the City of Gold Bar’s attorneys Ann Marie Soto, Amanda Butler, and Shannon Ragonesi decided to have a meeting with a federal witness Brandia Tamuu.  Besides the obvious, tampering with a federal witness ( a felony in Washington), both entered into a bribery scheme to remove the witness’s criminal arrest warrant and criminal history from the National Crime Information Center’s (NCIC) criminal data base.

Public records from the City of Gold Bar, from November 21 to December 20, 2017, document that in November 2017, attorneys Shannon Ragonesi, Amanda Butler ( who later learned was also present) Ann Marie Soto were contacted for a meeting by a convicted animal abuser. The woman was desperate for money, had in fact tried extort the Gold Bar Reporter for money/car, and had offered to meet up with Ragonesi and Soto at the Law Firm of Keating Bucklin McCormack Inc in downtown Seattle. Brandia Tammu needed money as she was being threatened with eviction from her home.  In exchange for meeting with Ragonesi and Soto, the woman would get money and her City of Everett arrest warrant and conviction for animal abuse would be cleared.  Tammu claimed to have dirt on the Gold Bar Reporter, but had nothing of value except speculation on why the Gold Bar Reporter moved West, and it was quite apparent from an insider at the law office that the woman is suffering from mental health issues.

According to the woman, Ragonesi and Soto agreed to clear her criminal arrest warrant and conviction from NCIC via ACCESS.

Ragonesi and Soto also told the woman that they could issue secret subpoenas for any document they so desired, and further offered to help the woman get a restraining order against the Gold Bar Reporter’s news reports.  One witness said that the woman recorded their meeting, but we have no knowledge of whether this is true or not.

The Washington State Patrol turned over the woman’s criminal history one week before and a week after the Ragonesi and Soto November  2017 bribery  meeting, and it is clear that just days after this meeting, the criminal conviction record and arrest warrant were wiped from NCIC via ACCESS.  The person who cleared the woman’s ACCESS records was Michael Meyers, King County police officer.

The City of Gold Bar, at the bequest of Ann Marie Soto and Shannon Ragonesi, illegally claimed that the meeting records were exempt from public disclosure. Obviously, a lawsuit forcing disclosure is coming, and Ms. Soto and Ms. Ragonesi will be deposed.

In early 2018, Gold Bar’s new Mayor Bill Clem agreed to an interview with the Gold Bar Reporter and he said ” those people who are threatening you are now threatening me.”


NCIC was created to assist law enforcement track or apprehend persons that may be a danger to society or have outstanding criminal warrants. When a  police officer stops  a person driving or is a suspect,  s/he should know whether the person has a criminal history.  For this reason, ACCESS and NCIC are searched, hopefully alerting the officer a potential danger to them or outstanding court issues of the driver or suspect.  Self protection according to the US Supreme Court.

But here in Washington State, the FBI NCIC database via ACCESS is being tampered with as political favors, bribery schemes, and to enhance criminal sentencing if a defendant is convicted of crime.

Over the past year, we found case after case where mainly prosecutors inside King and Snohomish County government are illegally removing criminal history from the NCIC. Now we have direct evidence that Kenyon Disend’s attorney Ann Marie Soto and Keating Bucklin and McCormack are being paid by Washington State Attorney General’s Office as “Special Assistant Attorney Generals’ (SAAGs).


  1. TheCollective says:
  2. Cabot Fuqua says:

    Where can I sign?


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