Former Gold Bar Mayor Crystal Hill Pennington’s fraud EXPOSED

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Former Mayor Crystal Hill Pennington  ( nee Berg) EXPOSED

The Gold Bar Reporters were first to break the story about Gold Bar’s Mayor Crystal Hill Pennington’s bank fraud conviction. According to a former insider, it’s a little about what Gold Bar’s Mayor Linda Loen and Joe Beavers are covering up inside the emails. Costing the taxpayers of Gold Bar over $1,000,000.00 as of today with no end in sight.

According to the Washington State Auditor’s Gold Bar Audit report, dated November 2014, there’s over $200,000.00 missing from the City’s funds ( water) and not one single employee can explain where it went.

According to a former Gold Bar council member,  ” I believe Crystal Hill was stealing from the City!”

We here at the Gold Bar Reporters have read enough emails between Crystal Hill and Gold Bar’s former clerk treasurer Laura Kelly to know that Crystal Hill and Laura Kelly were involved in a check cashing scheme. The scheme as we exposed in 2013 involved Crystal Hill, a non-lawyer, signing up for Continue Legal Education and other classes, paid for with Gold Bar taxpayer monies, then canceling, then having a refund check reissued.

Since Crystal Hill’s Bank of America account in Sultan was frozen for continuing to pass bad bank checks  ( 2006-2009) to her mortgage holder and others, even after she plead guilty to bank fraud for the same offense, Gold Bar’s clerk Laura Kelly would cash the refund check and give Crystal Hill cash in return.

Our readers should know that there’s no evidence that Laura Kelly or Crystal Hill Pennington ( nee Berg bank fraud 2005) returned the refunded monies to the taxpayers of Gold Bar.

The Washington State Auditor’s November 2014 report noted that there’s $200,000.00 missing from the City of Gold Bar funds that not one employee can explain where it went.


In July 2012, Gold Bar’s clerk treasurer was caught by the Snohomish County Sheriff’s Office, via a hidden camera placed in her office inside Gold Bar City Hall putting stolen city funds back and then lying to a police officer.

Caught red handed, but since Gold Bar’s Mayor Joe Beavers needed Ms. Kelly’s declaration for ongoing litigation, and to assist in hiding his email crimes of domestic spying ( running illegal background checks on open government supporters out here in Gold Bar) and extortion scheme involving Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management’s former Director John E. Pennington,  Joe Beavers requested Snohomish County Prosecutor Mark Roe and Seth Fine not prosecute Laura Kelly.

Mr. Fine was in charge of the Snohomish County Prosecutor’s criminal unit at the time of each one of these offenses, but now with ongoing RICO suits pending as it relates to the County’s involvement, he was moved to the county’s civil unit.

According to our legal counsel, a clear obstruction of justice and RICO violations by all involved; and since Kelly was the City’s clerk treasurer at the time of the theft, a felony theft charge should have been pursued.

Gold Bar’s former Mayor Joe Beavers is being sued for Racketeering in US Federal District Court, and the case in the appeals process awaiting the 9th Circuit’s Remand Order.

Gold Bar_clerk_Laura_ Kelly_ steals (2)  Left_Arrow  Click to the left to review Laura Kelly’s criminal police report

Late yesterday, we learned from another reporter that Crystal Hill Pennington ( nee Berg) also managed to obtain federal contracts with FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI).

There’s only problem for Crystal Hill Pennington; as a child raised by a father who worked for the federal government his whole life, I learned a lot about the internal workings of the federal government including that a  person who plead guilty to fraud of any kind is ineligible for federal contracts or federal employment of any kind.

Now, I had to call a friend who I attended law school with, who is now a federal attorney in Washington D.C. to answer one question:  If a person pleads guilty to fraud and manages to expunge their criminal history, either by deferred prosecution or expunging the conviction record itself, does this make them eligible to be awarded federal contracts?

The attorney said ” she is ineligible for most federal benefits, contracts or employment, as a result of her fraud conviction regardless of whether any state expunges the record. In fact, if you look at the application she had to affirm to under oath and sign, You will see an exclusion clause just above the signature line. This clause specifically requests that the person seeking federal contracts to affirm under oath that they have never plead guilty to or been convicted of fraud. Whether or not she’s eligible for state contracts is not relevenat to whether this excludes her from federal employment and contracts. ”

A complaint against Crystal Hill Pennington is being pursued and a public records request has been sent to FEMA EMI seeking copies of any files relating to Crystal Hill Pennington’s FEMA EMI contracts.  Once received, we will post copies.

If anyone thinks that this taxpayer will sit idle while my taxpayer monies are being misused to support a person who plead guilty to fraud, You don’t know me too well.

Reporting from the front lines of democracy.