When in trouble, blame Washington State Auditor Troy Kelly


Arrogant, poor poor me, was the common whining words echoing the halls at Washington State’s Public Disclosure Offices yesterday, as disgraced former Snohomish County Executive Aaron Reardon and Senator Steve Hobbs’s right hand hatchet man Kevin Hulten spoke yesterday in his defense.

As a distraction method, Hulten blamed Washington State Auditor (SAO) Troy Kelly, claiming that he filed a whistleblower complaint with Troy Kelly’s Office (SAO). A public records response yielded no such whistleblower complaint from the SAO, but we did receive a copy of whistleblower complaint filed with King County Prosecutor’s Office immediately filed after he was caught using a ” wiping” program to destroy evidence in a pending civil rights complaint.

Another lie, upon another lie, just as any criminal does; blame and kick the dog while their down defense seems to be Hulten’s common criminal harassing M.O.  as evidenced by his blog posts on the Sky Valley Chronicle ( a PAC set up to control the political message in Snohomish County).



Hulten further linked Senator Steve Hobbs to racketeering gang from Snohomish County, which included Aaron Reardon, Kevin Thomas Hulten, and Jon Rudicil


With no surprise, Hulten never discussed how much money and harm he had caused the taxpayers of Washington with his criminal conduct. Although, Hulten spent an enormous amount of time naming dropping and bragging about his close ties to Senator Steve Hobbs referring to him as “Steve.”

Our readers should know that Senator Steve Hobbs is running for Washington State Lieutenant Governor, and from public email between Hobbs and disgraced former Executive Aaron Reardon, its clear that Steve Hobbs,  and his hatchet men, Hulten and Jon Rudicil, trained Aaron Reardon to criminally harass and defame his supporters. But we’ll save those public emails for a near future date.

With mounds of evidence, and fantastic prosecution conducted by Washington State Attorney General Chad Standifer, Hulten reluctantly confessed that he misused Snohomish County phones, staff, and time, to assist former Executive Aaron Reardon with his campaign to attack his political opponents. But then within a few minutes, he contradicted his earlier statements, claiming his actions were lawful.

Just before the end of the hearing, those of us in the audience could hear Kevin Hulten’s wife Krystal Tate Hulten ( Hulten’s wife who is a lawyer in Washington and California) giving Hulten legal advice asking for a recess so he could look over his notes and come up with a closing statement.

Hearing what we onlookers heard, Washington State Attorney General Chad Standifer stopped the proceedings asking Hulten if there was anyone in the room with you at anytime?

This spurred an unprofessional response from long time Democratic Operative Jack Johnson, an attorney with extensive ties to Aaron Reardon’s little gang up here in Snohomish County, who started yelling at Washington State Attorney General Chad Standifer asking him why he needed to know who was with Hulten.

Commissioner and attorney Jack Johnson let me give you a little lesson in ethics because its clear you missed or failed ethics ( while I got the Blue Book award in ethics): when a person is being represented by counsel, She ( Krystal Tate Hulten) must enter a notice of appearance. Simply because you’re a Democrat or Republican does not negate your professional duties!


Poor, poor, little old me, I didn’t do anything wrong;  but I plead guilty to criminal evidence tampering in Block v Snohomish County et al. case after receiving a “litigation hold” defense. 

“I would like to move on with my life. This is affecting my wife and I… this is sickening… I have been denied due process.. I am unemployed..”   he said before the commission left the room to deliberate about his guilt.

Hulten, who now resides in California, participated by phone.

After a four year investigation, and a five hour taxpayer funded hearing, the state Public Disclosure Commission voted unanimously to impose a minor penalty of $2500.00.

For those of us sitting in the audience, Kevin Hulten got off easy with a $2500.00 penalty. It was clear that the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission’s ruling was nothing more than a way to close a case that is embarrassing to a specific party.

Unfortunately, it happens to be my party that returned a political penalty to a major violation of campaign laws, which will only encourage others to commit the same offenses with no fear of a substantial penalty.


But one thing Kevin Hulten did admit to was that our story about Senator Steve’s Hobbs’s brother in law, Jon Rudicil and Kevin Hulten were in fact being paid by Tacoma attorney Jack Connelly to harass Senator Jeanne Darnielle was right on target.

According to Snohomish County employee Brian Lewis, Hulten did not receive any money from Jack Connelly to harass Jeanne Darnielle. Perhaps Mr. Lewis and Hulten should have discussed their lies before they became part of a public hearing.


Certainly a complaint with the IRS against Rudicil and Hulten, thanks to Mr. Hulten’s under oath admissions at the PDC Hearing in Olympia yesterday.

Further, Hulten admitted that he worked with Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management to draft a flood map for FEMA ( Reardon’s mistress stated that Reardon considered Director John Pennington to be a dip shit and not capable of performing his job). In 2014, Hulten sent the Gold Bar Reporter an email claiming that he never worked with DEM.  Opps, perhaps  Hulten and Pennington should have discuss their lies too before making under oath admissions during a public hearing.

Stupid is as stupid does….

What the Public Disclosure Commission did not release was the blogs from Kevin Hulten’s Sky Valley Chronicle entries.  A website set up by former Executive Aaron Reardon to control the message in the Sky Valley ( Monroe to Sultan to Index).

A website Hulten, disgraced/terminated Snohomish County employee John E. Pennington and his wife Crystal Hill Pennington ( convicted of bank fraud in 2005) and former Gold Bar Mayor Joe Beavers were all blogging on, criminally cyber-stalking their opponents to cover up their computer racketeering crimes.

The King County Major Crimes Unit turned over a complete copy of Hulten’s hard drive to us. Hulten’s troubles have yet to begin, as he is being sued for racketeering in US Federal Court with depositions expected to begin late this year or during the first quarter of 2017.


Public emails from Snohomish County Washington document that while Krystal Tate Hulten was a law clerk in Snohomish County Washington, for Judge Downes, she engaged in illegal exparte contact with a Prosecutor prior to trial basically saying I hope you strip parental rights away from a mother accused of abuse.

Ms. Tate Hulten is a lovely attorney.

Kevin and Krystal Tate Hulten’s activities in Snohomish County document gross civil rights and racketeering activity.

The Gold Bar Reporter has never been sued for defamation and we stand by articles.