“License to steal” with the assistance of the Washington State Bar

How Guardians from the Washington State Bar Disciplinary Officers

are given a license to steal from Washington State’s most vulnerable adults


When lawyers steal from their clients, It’s We the taxpayers that end up paying the bill.

Attorney Lin ( Linda) O’Dell ( aka Worthington), an attorney handpicked by the Washington State Bar Association  (WSBA) Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) to hear complaints filed against lawyers by clients ( non clients should have no forum) uses a convicted killer named Mark Plivilech to intimidate vulnerable adults, while she uses WSBA influence to continue stealing and depleting elderly clients trusts.

But O’Dell doesn’t do this alone, she gets a pass from the WSBA ODC.

Once Lin O’Dell and other attorneys involved in the same conduct as stated herein deplete the clients’ trust accounts, they place the client on Medicare and/or on the Medicaid system.

Our elderly deserve to die with dignity, and without the elite few WSBA members associated with the Office of Disciplinary Council and WSBA Boards lining their pockets with the gold of others, stealing with the assistance of a few Commissioners’ and Judges, at the expense of the United States taxpayers.

We have drafted a “Brady List” of Judges, Commissioners, and attorneys we know are involved in criminal conduct as outlined herein and will be posting names soon to our “ Brady List.”

Sadly, attorney Spokane attorney Lin O’Dell is not the exception, but she is part of the Racketeering scandal exposed over the past year involving what we call the center of the rotten onion, the WSBA ODC.


The WSBA ODC is using police officers, attorneys and judges to trump up criminal charges on honest hard working citizens and attorneys who speak out against corrupt government officials, and we ( Americans) must do everything in our power to peacefully and legally stop them. Their actions of going after honest lawyers and whistleblowers who attempt to expose corrupt judges, attorneys and police officers stifles our free market economy, and as in my case, violates Sherman Antitrust laws.

We the people are the checks and balances to an honest and clean government. As a person who grew up with two activist parents, who were no parents of the year by any stretch of the truth, I was brought up to believe there is no greater sacrifice or greater good on Mother Earth then helping the sick, elderly, abused, exposing corrupt government officials, and helping the wrongfully convicted. I value the First Amendment to US Constitution as the greatest gift Thomas Jefferson’s gave to America, more valuable than a Bar license.


If you look at great human civilizations, from the Roman Empire to the Soviet Union, you will see that most do not fail simply due to external threats but because of internal weakness, corruption, or a failure to manifest the values and ideals they espouse. Cory Booker


Attorney Lin O’Dell, a thief, an attorney, a nurse, and a guardian  

Washington State Bar (WSBA) Disciplinary Hearing Officer Lin (Linda) O’Dell (aka Worthington) is stealing from Washington State vulnerable adults, manly over the age of 60, and being aided by the WSBA’s Office of Disciplinary Counsel (ODC) members, Scott Busby and Linda Eide, and her partner, a convicted killer named Mark Plivilech ( Spokane).

Attorney Lin O’Dell’s Linked In page:

Lin O'Dell - LinkedIn 2015-10-04 10-04-24

Attorney Lin O’ Dell brags about her days as an administrative hearing officer for the Department of Health, she worked as a nurse and is now a guardian overseeing elderly clients trust accounts.

Lin O’Dell is not licensed in Idaho, only Washington. A relevant issue discussed later.

Does being a nurse or a guardian, especially one that has never engaged in the practice of law constitute qualifications under the WSBA guidelines for hearing officers?

Simply put, no.  I ‘ve researched the WBSA rules on appointing hearings officers and discovered that in order for the WSBA member to be appointed as a hearing officer one must have been engaged in the practice of law.  Here, Ms. O’ Dell appears to be the exception to this rule, since she never practiced law.

This begs the question on who appointed an unqualified attorney to hear issues relating to violation by WSBA members?

According to the WSBA public records officer, Ms. O’Dell was handpicked by another shyster from Spokane, attorney Joseph Nappi Jr. Mr. Nappi’s investigative file and his cash only deals with clients will be discussed in another investigative blog coming soon.

Attorney Lin O’Dell, using convicted killer Mark Plivilech to intimidate elderly vulnerable clients 

Now, on its face this may not seem too bad in the scheme of things, but lets add in this bit of facts.  Lin O’Dell’s background was searched extensively, and what we yielded was that she shacked up with a convicted killer named Mark Plivilech and extensive IRS and other financial problems.  YES our readers are reading this correctly; WSBA attorney and hearing officer Lin O’Dell’s partner of choice is a convicted killer.


If a WSBA hearing officer having a convicted killer as her partner of choice doesn’t sound bad enough, hold onto your seats because we have some more wonderful news.

According to internal court declarations and an extensive background check our investigators ran on Mark Plivilech, Lin O’Dell acting as a guardian for elderly vulnerable adults – many bed ridden elderly Americans- listed killer Mark Plivilech as a “case manager” on twenty (22) of her elderly clients’ accounts.

Once I learned that a convicted killer was acting as a case manager on vulnerable adults accounts, I called the Washington State Attorney General’s Office asking one simple question ” Can a convicted killer serve as a case manager on vulnerable or elderly Washingtonians trust account s or as a guardian ad litem?”

The Washington State Attorney General’s Office started laughing, for which I said  ” No, I am serious.”  The phone became silent for a minute and the attorney general said ” NO, absolutely not !” very loudly.

Attorney Lin O’Dell has stolen  $3,000,000.00 + from the Shank Trust Account, and was caught forging documents

O'Dell theft 4M

Court documents show that at the time of Norma Shank’s death, The Shank Trust had almost $4,000,000.00, at the end of 2011.

Paula Fowler is from Idaho, and how and why she came into contact with a thief and attorney named Lin O’ Dell can best be described by one of her closest friends who said ” Paula went into Colville attorney Pruitt Hamm’s office for a divorce, and came out with as a guardian ward. But not before Pruitt Hamm made exparte contacts with Lin O’Dell’s attorney in Idaho, Pamela Massey. Soon thereafter, Massey and O’Dell forged documents claiming that  Ms. Fowler’s mother, Norma Shank, had revoked the first Shank Will written in 2000, and only after Norma Shank was diagnosed with dementia, did this new Will appear with the assistance of attorney Lin O’Dell, attorney Richard Wallace, and Idaho attorney Paula Massey.”

We reviewed the both Wills and believe all attorneys involved should be charged with criminal Racketeering as the Will’s metadata has been stripped ( to hide when and who wrote it)

Exploiting and stealing from our elderly vulnerable adults

The only living Will of Norma Shank was signed in 2000, leaving her entire estate worth well over $5,000,000.00 to Paula Fowler, with no trust. No trust until after Paula Fowler went into attorney Pruitt Hamm’s office for a divorce and came as a guardian of Lin O’Dell, and only after attorney Pruitt Hamm made phone calls to an attorney from Idaho named Pamela Massey. An attorney hired by Lin O’Dell to help siphon elderly and vulnerable clients trust accounts through nursing homes in Spokane and drug rehab centers in Idaho.

Attorney Pamela Massey and Lin O’Dell were contacted for comment. As of today, both have refused.

According to attorney Pruitt Hamm’s attorney bills in the Fowler matter; no sooner did Paula Fowler leave Pruitt’s office seeking a divorce, Pruitt Hamm was on the phone with Idaho attorney Pamela Massey ( an Idaho attorney who represents Lin O’Dell).  Once Pruitt Hamm learned that Paula Fowler was worth well over $5,000,000.00, he conspired with attorney Lin O’Dell and Pamela Massey to steal from a vulnerable adult.

Over the last three years, attorneys Lin O’Dell and Pamela Massey have stolen over $3,000,000.00 + from Paula Fowler, but not without the assistance of the Washington State Bar lead counsel Linda Eide.

Lin O’Dell forging documents, and has stolen over $3,000,000.00 +, but Lin O’Dell did not act alone

Court records from Pamela Massey’s Office in Idaho confirm that Lin O’Dell depleted non-Washington resident Paula Fowler’s trust accounts ( known as a Shank Trust, Wells Fargo, Idaho) to provide ” legal fees, at legal representation.”

There’s only problem for attorney Lin O’Dell, she is not an Idaho attorney.  Our counsel said ” a non attorney cannot provide legal representation without a license.”

From records we retrieved from Stevens County Court, in December 2011, the Shank Trust had $3,900,000.00 plus dollars in the account with no forensic accounting ever given to Ms. Fowler or the Court, even though Lin O’Dell was ORDERED to provide such documents to the Court by. A court order  Ms. O’Dell continues to thumb her nose at, while she continues to steal from Ms. Fowler but not without the assistance of the Washington State Bar lead counsel Linda Eide.

Lin O’Dell stealing Ms. Fowler’s assets, using convicted killer to intimidate Ms. Fowler

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As we correctly stated, attorney Lin O’Dell is crossing state lines, from Washington to Idaho, using her convicted killer Mark Plivilech to steal and threaten vulnerable clients.

As the alleged “trustee” Lin O’Dell is supposed to be paying Paula Fowler’s bills, housing, car, and food.

Abusive Email 4

For nearly four months in early 2014, Lin O’Dell refused to provide basic shelter for Ms. Fowler ( as the Shank Trust mandates) leaving Ms. Fowler living in a truck at a truck stop.

Imagine your parents leave you a $5,000,000.00 trust, and the alleged trustee refuses to provide you shelter, leaving you homeless, because several outstanding members of the Washington State Bar forged documents and stole millions, what would you do?

File WSBA complaints for fraud and theft?  And that’s exactly what Paula Fowler did, and who received that WSBA complaints was WSBA lead counsel Linda Eide.  Ms. Eide’s criminal conduct as exposed by attorney Robert Grunstein was exposed in his book ” Vendetta” and will be discussed in detail in another investigative blog coming soon.

Linda Eide’s criminal conduct against the Gold Bar Reporter will be discussed at length in my book ” No sunshine where the cockroaches roam” in my last chapter ( still being written) ” Reforming the Washington State Bar, taking politics out of the practice of law.”

Judge Patrick Monasmith, a man with integrity, orders court officer Joseph Valente to investigate attorney Lin O’Dell


Court mandated investigator Joseph Valente findings against attorney Lin O’Dell

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Just to make sure our readers understand fully what’s going on here, see above. Lin O’Dell tells the Court that Paula Fowler needs a guardian because she has an abusive ex-husband who controls her, but then writes a check to attorney Clark Peterson ( now Judge Clark Peterson, Idaho),  to defend Ms. Fowler’s soon to be ex-husband in a criminal felony vulnerable adult charge filed in Idaho for abusing Paula Fowler’s ( nee Shank) mother Norma Shank.

But hold onto your seats because it’s much better – if you can believe it !

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Not only did attorney Lin O’Dell write a check to Ms. Fowler’s soon to be ex-husband’s private attorney to defend against criminal felony charges for elder abuse of Ms. Fowler’s mother ( the one who started the 5 Million dollar trust for Paula Fowler also known as Shank Trust ), but Lin O’Dell uses Norma Shank’s trust account to write a $5000.00 check to attorney Clark Peterson, Idaho, and $250.00 to attorney Dick Sayre ( for a consultation, pretty harmless on Sayre’s and Peterson’s part more likely than not) to defend the man who was just charged with felony elderly abuse.

We’re not sure about our readers, but we’re just not sure how paying an Idaho attorney to defend against elder abuse of Paula Fowler’s mother, Norma Shank, benefited the Norma Shank Trust.  But if our readers have any idea, please email those to us at GoldBarReporter@Comcast.net

Imagine someone steals from you and then having the court order you to pay for the defendant’s criminal defense counsel. With no surprise this is exactly what attorney Lin O’Dell did in this matter.

Lin O’Dell, a criminal with a license to steal, a stellar example in favor of reforming the WSBA

Ex-Husbands Statement

The fact that Lin O’Dell and killer Mark Plivilech were using a USPS Post Office Box in Duvall Washington to accept financial pay offs from Snohomish County’s bum who killed 43 Oso residents, John E. Pennington, and his convicted bank frauding wife Crystal Hill ( nee Berg, bank fraud 2005), is coming to a US Federal Court soon.   

Thank you retired USPS Postmaster, you’re a fine lady

Coming soon, more public records on corrupt cops, Batiot and Coblantz

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corrupt cops from City of Shoreline, Cary Coblantz, and Duvall cop, Lori Batiot, caught via public records (RCW 42.56) in a RICO scandal

This report is just the tip of iceberg, because over the last four weeks we’ve had three Washington State Whistleblowers give us mounds of evidence documenting that Snohomish County Prosecutors and corrupt cops, one from City of Shoreline and other from the City of Duvall, are involved in the largest RICO scandal in Washington State’s history.
