Snohomish County employee who killed 43 in Oso mudslides deposed

It was a beautiful day in Olympia today, sunny, and in the high 70s. I love Olympia, and always find the city quite calming, and disturbing all in the same emotion . I woke up around 5 am and started the two hour  drive to Olympia. My purpose was to retrieve public records from the Washington Attorney General’s Office  (AG) and Department of Natural Resources (DNR), two agencies that probably wish they never heard of John E. Pennington.

After a friend suggested that I sue Ron Fejfar and the Sky Valley Chronicle for “deceptive trade practices” the first step was to understand why and how he set up the Sky Valley Chronicle with the Secretary of State.

I’ve never been so eager to retrieve records of any other people on this planet. It’s been a long time coming for  John Pennington to be brought to justice not only for killing 43 people in the Oso mudslides, but also to face justice, and perhaps criminal charges for perjury ( WA Court Rules allows citizens to file criminal charges aside from our corrupt Sheriff’s Office), and for his crimes against humans. Humans a doctor in John Pennington’s King County divorce case ( Laughlin v Pennington) deemed  to be a   “sociopath with no empathy for humans.”

I drove my VW beetle, a light blue powder puffy looking dune buggy, just as powder blue as the sky lingering over the Port of Olympia today. Most days here are rainy, cold and dreary just like the politicians who allowed a sociopathic child molester and wife beater to harm so many before one honest politician named Dave Somers finally said  “You’re fired! ”

Most of the morning, we spent searching and sifting through Washington State records trying to understand why a man from Sultan Washington named Ron Fejfar would start an   “advertising sales” company, then commit deceptive trade violations and allow several Snohomish County employees, John Pennington, Crystal Hill Pennington, Joe Beavers, Aaron Reardon, Kevin Thomas Hulten to post attack pieces amounting to defamation and violations of Washington deceptive trade laws.

The way Ron Fejfar set up the Sky Valley Chronicle will allow us to sue him for defamation and deceptive trade practices and a complaint will be filed soon. But from Ron Fefjar’s filings in Olympia, its clear that he made false statements and loss any claim he may have thought he had for media shield.  Stupid is as stupid does.

The bigger news story came two weeks ago. A source inside the AG’s office called and said   “Pennington was deposed and Kathy Bodnar is chuckling that you had just asked for his deposition from AG’s Office and she claimed that’s she under no obligation to provide an update to you that he was deposed. So go ask for that record.”

Prior to John E. Pennington killing so many people here in Washington, I have spent ten years of my life trying to warn the public of just how dangerous John E. Pennington is, but only after my investigation unearthed  Pennington’s past criminal history, including molesting children, rape of a five year old Cowlitz County child, and consistent and continuous criminal harassment likened to Theodore Ted Bundy. A killer, a women hater, and a sociopath not worth housing.

For those of you who live inside the “Killing Fields of Highway 2″ know Ted Bundy well, since Baker National Forest was Bundy’s favorite dumping site for women he deemed  valueless. Bundy’s victims were not valueless, they were someone’s children, some were someone’s mother, and not put on this planet so a sociopath can masturbate over his sick fetish of harming women.

Next, I decided why not go see AG public records officer Ms. Bodnar and DNR records officer in person. Nothing like a little face to face conversation about big news stories up here in Snohomish County.

As I approached the DNR offices, I was shocked to see public offices ( offices paid for our tax monies) in “lock down” as though it was prison, not a government agency.  What’s happen to my America; a government agency whose primary purpose should be to serve “we the people” is operating more like a prison.

Badge check, first stop. Second stop, badge check on the elevator. Third stop, badge reader to the public door to reach the public desk. Forth stop, a helpful public servant who managed  to find someone who answers public records request. Finally, a public officer named Ann who looked stone cold and shaking like a tree during a hurricane.

The public records officer from DNR admitted that the AG’s had taken John Pennington’s deposition in March 2016, and did in fact have a copy of his deposition.  Since the DNR offices are right next door to the AG’s Office, I thought I’d pay a visit to our favorite agency public records officer, Kathy Bodnar.

Ms. Bodnar’s behavior is likened to a close Third Reich Officer’s allegiance to Adolf Hitler than that of a Washington State public servant. Her demeanor and arrogance of her position as a person entrusted to apply our sunshine laws was quite disgraceful.  A topic for another day.

On March 2, 2016, I requested a copy of any record relating to John E. Pennington’s deposition, which I hear also includes a video.   The public has a right to know that instead of doing his job ( mitigation),  John Pennington sat around hacking into others computer systems, spent many hours blogging defamatory stories about his opponents, criminal assaulting women and children, using county resources to advance his fraudulent online degrees from an online diploma mill Senator Harkin called fraud, and illegally used our resources to advance his private for profit company “Education Services” located in Duvall Washington ( a company Pennington made at least $175,000.00 from but has yet to pay a single cent of Washington Business tax on), the sole person responsible for the deaths of  43 people in the Oso mudslides, and illegally using his Homeland Security Clearance to criminally rape and harass citizens he didn’t like. Unfortunately for the DNR it ignored my records request for over one month.

Rule number one: when an agency refuses to provide a response to a very simple records request, you know the records they’re withholding must be worth seeing.  From what I hear the video deposition is worth a million bucks.

But its not for sale, its a public record, and I intend to post and disseminate far and wide, making sure this man never harms another woman or child without notice to the public.

John Pennington’s days of staying under the radar are gone, but sadly he killed 43 people before being tossed to the curb as the piece of trash he is.  RCW 42.56 ensures that the public are the checks and balances to a clean and honest government.

The Gold Bar Reporter does Olympia, with more personal appearances likely.  More on Pennington’s deposition soon




Poor small city defense, misappropriating taxpayer monies to cover up computer crimes

The Washington State Auditor cited the City of Gold Bar for the fourth year in row for misappropriating public monies. The why has been nicely “blogged” in past articles relating to the Law Firm of Kenyon Disend and John Pennington , current Mayor Linda Loen, and former Mayors Joe Beavers and Crystal Hill Pennington ( nee Berg, convicted of bank fraud while she was a sitting City of Gold Bar council member in 2005, and then filed a false reports with the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission)

Gold Bar residents are once again deciding whether to file a Recall Petition against the entire City Council and Mayor Linda Loen. But more than likely will be the end of January, as soon as public records are reviewed from the Washington State Auditor’s Office.

If it’s anything like last year when the Auditor turned over emails between then Mayor Joe Beavers and the Auditor documenting that then Mayor Joe Beavers created the storm water drain fund to cover up what he stole from the City’s water fund, then its going to be good.

As in the case of Joe Beavers, Linda Loen, and Crystal Hill Pennington and John Pennington, a Racketeering complaint has been filed in U.S. Federal District Court last week.

See below for some of the Racketeering  and Anti Trust crimes the WA State Bar, Sean Reay, Lin O’Dell,  Linda Eide, Gold Bar’s Mayor Linda Loen, Joe Beavers and Crystal Hill Pennington misappropriated over $1,000,000.00 of Gold Bar’s water fund hiding their computer crimes and gross civil rights violations.


Snohomish County Executive elect officially terminates John E. Pennington


Snohomish County Executive elect Dave Somers has notified John E. Pennington that he will be collecting an unemployment check as of January 1, 2016.  John E. Pennington has been officially terminated from Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management.

However paycheck stubs from April 2014 document that Pennington has been on paid administrative leave since March 2014, after he caused the deaths of 43 Oso Washington residents. Public records confirm that instead of doing his job, John E. Pennington criminally harassed citizens instead of mitigating loss of human life.

Our readers should know that in 2014, John Pennington was the sole person in charge of mitigation for Oso Washington residents.

As result of Pennington’s criminal activity, Snohomish County currently has 33 Oso mudslide victims and survivors suing the County for millions. Three months ago, a Judge in King County held that the victims can sue Snohomish County, but only for John Pennington’s failure to mitigate loss of human life.

Why is simple: instead of mitigating damages for residents in the second largest preventable loss of life natural disaster, John E. Pennington criminally harassed citizens instead of doing his job.


For those of you who may not know, John E. Pennington’s criminal background for the last 30 years was searched and investigated by two fantastic investigators. Crimes the City of Gold Bar has misappropriated over $1,000,000.00 of the City’s water funds covering up.


From FEMA to Snohomish County Washington, dark  secrets unearthed. Gold Bar Reporters were the first to report on John E. Pennington’s criminal conduct, a small portion of our report is outlined below

UPDATE: Public records reveal that Snohomish County Prosecutor Mark Roe confirmed that John E. Pennington is man responsible for the rape of a 5 year old girl from Cowlitz County Washington


John E. Pennington, only suspect in rape of 5 year old child from Cowlitz County, Washington; also kicked out of a San Diego church for molesting two boys during a church camping trip




We’ve been investigating John Pennington’s past thirty years on this planet for over seven years.

Pages from Socipath John Pennington-2We never thought we’d get to this point, finally uncovering why John E. Pennington has been so desperately trying to hide hs past. Well it’s simple, he’s a pedophile ( who enjoys taking naked showers with little girls, molested two boys ) and a wife beater, and once the feds learned the truth he was terminated from FEMA.

John Pennington is a sociopath; and how he met an attorney named Michael Kenyon who helped Johnny cover up his rape of a five year old child from Cowlitz County.

Well documented in our past stories

What John Pennington was trying to hide for so many years, his prior conviction for criminal harassment ( assault of an ex-fiancé in Oregon) as noted in the following public records as prior conviction”

In 2000, John Pennington was George Bush Jr’s campaign manager here in Washington State.  Soon after George Bush Jr. was elected ( or stole the election with his brother’s assistance depending what you believe), George Jr. appointed John E Pennington and Michael Browne to positions inside FEMA. Sadly for America, not one FEMA Director was qualified for such positions.

As a result of Michael Browne and John Pennington’s inability to read, write and think effectively caused thousands of minority deaths in Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina was an eye opener for those of us who actually earned accredited degrees and whose parents taught us to think critically. George W Bush Jr.’s decision to appoint friends instead of educated and skilled people resulted in massive human loss of life In New Orleans.

Had this story ended in New Orleans, we wouldn’t be exposing John E.Pennington today. But it didn’t, why is simple, because Washington State Senator Jennifer Dunn decided to use her political clout to appoint an uneducated bum to FEMA Region 10 ( Pacific Northwest).

What is even crazier is that George W Bush made an executive appointment without ever running a single background check on John Pennington prior to appointing him.

All that changed when America started calling for Michael Brownie’s head for causing  so many deaths in New Orleans. Perhaps Michael Browne might have survived press scrutiny had he not put in his email that was heading to Nordstroms to purchase new clothes for the cameras, while at the same time thousands of African Americans were floating down the street or in lock down inside an unsafe convention center.

African Americans were drowning in the streets of New Orleans, because FEMA Directors lacked basic college skills to handle such a disaster. In the case of Michael Browne, an unaccredited undergraduate degree as well as unaccredited law school diploma. In the case of John Pennington, an online diploma mill degree from an online school the U.S. Dept of Education said sold online diplomas at a flat rate, California Coastal College.

Hurricane Katrina, good bye Brownie, Hello Penny

After Michael Browne and Bernard Kerik made a laughing stock out of the George W and America, George Jr was quoted as saying ‘ Penny will make a great director of FEMA.”This was November 2005. But this time, the feds actually ran an extensive background on John Pennington, and discovered what we learned through years of sifting through public records. John Pennington is a dangerous sociopath with real anger management issues; anger he often takes out on women and children.

I never really thought much of George W Bush Jr. other than he’s a spolied little rich kid who never worked for a living. For the same reason, I couldn’t vote for Al Gore in 2000. Thus, I became one of Ralph Nader’s Raiders in 2000.

Fact is that I probably ran into John Pennington at the Republican National Convention that year in Philadelphia. I, and 1,000,000. Americans blocked the entrance to the Republican National Convention Center preventing many of George Jr’s delegates from accessing the convention center that year.

I was a proud member of Massachusettes ACT UP from UMASS, and had traveled all over the U.S. protesting what I believed to be unequal treatment of economically disadvantaged Americans in favor of corporations. I’m a strong believer that America should place “ people over profits.”

Strangely, I always had respect for George Bush Sr. Why is simple: George Sr is a well educated savey free thinker who listens to his opponents. Unlike his son, George Jr. , who was given a little too much growing up without working for it.  Hard work goes along way in molding one’s self esteem.

In 2005, Michael Browne was blamed for the deaths of thousands, because he was appointed to a position that he wasn’t qualified for.  So when George Jr. had to make a new appointment to FEMA Director, he looked to a devil wrapping himself with pages of the Bible, while at the same time molesting children and violently assaulting a pregnant woman in her third trimester, John E. Pennington.

For those reporting the news in Washington D.C just after George Bush Jr’s FEMA Directors caused so much misery to so many residents and their survivors in New Orleans, Bush Jr. was quoted as saying ” Penny would make a great Director.”

Because the feds didn’t want George Jr. to go through yet another scathing news story like he did when he chose Kerik to head Homeland Security (who ended up being prime suspect in a murder case and had direct ties to organized crime) and Michael Browne and his fake degrees with extensive skills in horse breeding debacles, any appointment would go through extensive background checks prior to Congressional Hearings.

As a result of the feds extensive background check on John Pennington, he was forced to resign from FEMA or be exposed in a very public way. John Pennington lied about his termination from FEMA stating that he and Tamara Doherty were caught misusing the FEMA credit cards.

This was simply a smoke screen to cover up what we just learned from a federal source over Labor Day Weekend.

John Pennington was terminated from FEMA because the feds learned what we reported on over the last seven years; pedophilia deviant uneducated child abuser who has sick fetish for kids, John Pennington. A sociopath who reminds me of Ted Bundy.

Unfortunately for Oso Washington residents,  George W Bush Jr.’s  administration thought it was ok to set him loose on Snohomish County residents just so George Jr didn’t have to suffer public press embarassment again.

On March 24, 2014, John Pennington caused 43 residents in Oso Washington to suffocate to death in Washington State’s most preventable loss of life natural disaster. Instead of mitigating loss to human life, John Pennington worked on his fraudulent online diploma, operated his personal business on the County’s dime and while using county resources and staff, violently assaulted children and women, and criminally harassed me right from Snohomish County Offices operating an online blog ” The Sky Valley Chronicle.  “  An online blog owned by Aaron Reardon but operated by Gold Bar’s Mayor Crystal Hill ( nee Berg who plead guilty to bank fraud in 2005), John Pennington,  and Gold Bar’s former Mayor Joe Beavers.

I believe John Pennington should be charged with negligent homicide for the 43 people he killed in the Oso mudslides.

Since John E. Pennington killed 43 Oso residents in the mudslides, we have searched his travel records and beleive he is responsible for missing children in four different states, and have ample evidence to state John Pennington is the man responsbile for the rape of that five year old child from Colwitz County Washington.

Sadly, John Pennington remains on the loose up here in Snohomis County. So long as John Pennington remains on the loose, I will continue to investigate and report on his criminal sexual deviant conduct.

Protecting Our children from a sociopath like John Pennington is worth every sacrifice we’ve made as a result  of shinning much needed sunshine on cockroaches who harm molest and abuse our kids.

Our Children’s mental well being has no price tag.  I agree with Hillary Clinton “ it takes a village to raise children.”

John Pennington’s trial in the Oso mudslide debacle will be live streamed by the Gold Bar Reporters starting in June 2016.  Stay tuned, it will be our pleasure to bring it “live” to our followers.

John Pennington’s involvement with Echo Lake animal abuse sex scandal will be discussed in the very near future.  Let’s just say,  “  Penny is a sick bastard!”





Gold Bar council member resigns citing corruption

Another one bites the dust in Gold Bar Washington. Gold Bar council member Lee Hodo resigns, over what he considers massive corruption.

Last month the Gold Bar Reporters reported that Joe Beavers misappropriated over $ 1,000,000.00 hiding Snohomish County political bums emails, mainly involving child molesting and criminal assault of a pregnant woman in Duvall Washington, John E Pennington.

According to Duvall’s former police chief, Attorney Michael Kenyon agreed via email to quash criminal assault charges against John E. Pennington in Exchnage  for judicial favoritism from Judge Michael Downes ( Snohomish County) and Court of Appeals Judges Mary Kay Becker and Marlin Applewick.

Such conduct amounts to criminal Racketeering. John Pennington and Gold Bar’s former Joe Beavers are being sued in US Federal Court for racketeering. Hodo’s resignation comes after the City of Gold Bar’s former Mayors Joe Beavers and Crystal Hill Pennington ( Nee Berg Bank fraud 2005)  were caught stealing over $1,000,000.00 from the City water funds.

Our judiciary needs a hell of a lot of sunshine, and the sooner the better.

To cover up Beavers’s Hill Pennington’s criminal racketeering, Linda Loen is hiding public records with no end in sight.  The State Auditors Office again cited the city for misappriortion of public funds , stating that the City ‘s water rates must be increased by 271% to what we know is to pay back what Hill Pennington, Loen, and Beavers stole to covering up emails amounting to criminal racketeering.

Wait and see… Better question is will the Supreme Court cover up what we already know or will they reform the entire judiciary’s a a result ?
Reform is coming

25.774731 -80.164980

Washington State Bar Racketeering caught on camera


From FEMA to Snohomish County Washington, dark  secrets unearthed; Washington State Bar nothing more than a Racketeering organization to protect pedophiles and wife beaters like John E. Pennington

UPDATE: Public records reveal that Snohomish County Prosecutor Mark Roe confirmed that John E. Pennington is man responsible for the rape of a 5 year old girl from Cowlitz County Washington


John E. Pennington, only suspect in rape of 5 year old child from Cowlitz County, Washington; also kicked out of a San Diego church for molesting two boys during a church camping trip




We’ve been investigating John Pennington’s past thirty years on this planet for over seven years.

Pages from Socipath John Pennington-2We never thought we’d get to this point, finally uncovering why John E. Pennington has been so desperately trying to hide hs past. Well it’s simple, he’s a pedophile ( who enjoys taking naked showers with little girls, molested two boys ) and a wife beater, and once the feds learned the truth he was terminated from FEMA.

John Pennington is a sociopath; and how he met an attorney named Michael Kenyon who helped Johnny cover up his rape of a five year old child from Cowlitz County.

Well documented in our past stories

What John Pennington was trying to hide for so many years, his prior conviction for criminal harassment ( assault of an ex-fiancé in Oregon) as noted in the following public records as ” prior conviction”

In 2000, John Pennington was George Bush Jr’s campaign manager here in Washington State.  Soon after George Bush Jr. was elected ( or stole the election with his brother’s assistance depending what you believe), George Jr. appointed John E Pennington and Michael Browne to positions inside FEMA. Sadly for America, not one FEMA Director was qualified for such positions.

As a result of Michael Browne and John Pennington’s inability to read, write and think effectively caused thousands of minority deaths in Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina was an eye opener for those of us who actually earned accredited degrees and whose parents taught us to think critically. George W Bush Jr.’s decision to appoint friends instead of educated and skilled people resulted in massive human loss of life In New Orleans.

Had this story ended in New Orleans, we wouldn’t be exposing John E.Pennington today. But it didn’t, why is simple, because Washington State Senator Jennifer Dunn decided to use her political clout to appoint an uneducated bum to FEMA Region 10 ( Pacific Northwest).

What is even crazier is that George W Bush made an executive appointment without ever running a single background check on John Pennington prior to appointing him.

All that changed when America started calling for Michael Brownie’s head for causing  so many deaths in New Orleans. Perhaps Michael Browne might have survived press scrutiny had he not put in his email that was heading to Nordstroms to purchase new clothes for the cameras, while at the same time thousands of African Americans were floating down the street or in lock down inside an unsafe convention center.

African Americans were drowning in the streets of New Orleans, because FEMA Directors lacked basic college skills to handle such a disaster. In the case of Michael Browne, an unaccredited undergraduate degree as well as unaccredited law school diploma. In the case of John Pennington, an online diploma mill degree from an online school the U.S. Dept of Education said sold online diplomas at a flat rate, California Coastal College.

Hurricane Katrina, good bye Brownie, Hello Penny

After Michael Browne and Bernard Kerik made a laughing stock out of the George W and America, George Jr was quoted as saying ‘ Penny will make a great director of FEMA.”This was November 2005. But this time, the feds actually ran an extensive background on John Pennington, and discovered what we learned through years of sifting through public records. John Pennington is a dangerous sociopath with real anger management issues; anger he often takes out on women and children.

I never really thought much of George W Bush Jr. other than he’s a spolied little rich kid who never worked for a living. For the same reason, I couldn’t vote for Al Gore in 2000. Thus, I became one of Ralph Nader’s Raiders in 2000.

Fact is that I probably ran into John Pennington at the Republican National Convention that year in Philadelphia. I, and 1,000,000. Americans blocked the entrance to the Republican National Convention Center preventing many of George Jr’s delegates from accessing the convention center that year.

I was a proud member of Massachusettes ACT UP from UMASS, and had traveled all over the U.S. protesting what I believed to be unequal treatment of economically disadvantaged Americans in favor of corporations. I’m a strong believer that America should place ” people over profits.”

Strangely, I always had respect for George Bush Sr. Why is simple: George Sr is a well educated savey free thinker who listens to his opponents. Unlike his son, George Jr. , who was given a little too much growing up without working for it.  Hard work goes along way in molding one’s self esteem.

In 2005, Michael Browne was blamed for the deaths of thousands, because he was appointed to a position that he wasn’t qualified for.  So when George Jr. had to make a new appointment to FEMA Director, he looked to a devil wrapping himself with pages of the Bible, while at the same time molesting children and violently assaulting a pregnant woman in her third trimester, John E. Pennington.

For those reporting the news in Washington D.C just after George Bush Jr’s FEMA Directors caused so much misery to so many residents and their survivors in New Orleans, Bush Jr. was quoted as saying ” Penny would make a great Director.”

Because the feds didn’t want George Jr. to go through yet another scathing news story like he did when he chose Kerik to head Homeland Security (who ended up being prime suspect in a murder case and had direct ties to organized crime) and Michael Browne and his fake degrees with extensive skills in horse breeding debacles, any appointment would go through extensive background checks prior to Congressional Hearings.

As a result of the feds extensive background check on John Pennington, he was forced to resign from FEMA or be exposed in a very public way. John Pennington lied about his termination from FEMA stating that he and Tamara Doherty were caught misusing the FEMA credit cards.

This was simply a smoke screen to cover up what we just learned from a federal source over Labor Day Weekend.

John Pennington was terminated from FEMA because the feds learned what we reported on over the last seven years; pedophilia deviant uneducated child abuser who has sick fetish for kids, John Pennington. A sociopath who reminds me of Ted Bundy.

Unfortunately for Oso Washington residents,  George W Bush Jr.’s  administration thought it was ok to set him loose on Snohomish County residents just so George Jr didn’t have to suffer public press embarassment again.

On March 24, 2014, John Pennington caused 43 residents in Oso Washington to suffocate to death in Washington State’s most preventable loss of life natural disaster. Instead of mitigating loss to human life, John Pennington worked on his fraudulent online diploma, operated his personal business on the County’s dime and while using county resources and staff, violently assaulted children and women, and criminally harassed me right from Snohomish County Offices operating an online blog ” The Sky Valley Chronicle.”An online blog owned by Aaron Reardon but operated by Gold Bar’s Mayor Crystal Hill ( nee Berg who plead guilty to bank fraud in 2005), John Pennington,  and Gold Bar’s former Mayor Joe Beavers.

I believe John Pennington should be charged with negligent homicide for the 43 people he killed in the Oso mudslides.

Since John E. Pennington killed 43 Oso residents in the mudslides, we have searched his travel records and beleive he is responsible for missing children in four different states, and have ample evidence to state John Pennington is the man responsbile for the rape of that five year old child from Colwitz County Washington.

Sadly, John Pennington remains on the loose up here in Snohomis County. So long as John Pennington remains on the loose, I will continue to investigate and report on his criminal sexual deviant conduct.

Protecting Our children from a sociopath like John Pennington is worth every sacrifice we’ve made as a result  of shinning much needed sunshine on cockroaches who harm molest and abuse our kids.

Our Children’s mental well being has no price tag.  I agree with Hillary Clinton ” it takes a village to raise children.”

John Pennington’s trial in the Oso mudslide debacle will be live streamed by the Gold Bar Reporters starting in June 2016.  Stay tuned, it will be our pleasure to bring it “live” to our followers.

John Pennington’s involvement with Echo Lake animal abuse sex scandal will be discussed in the very near future.  Let’s just say,  ” Penny is a sick bastard!”


Snohomish County Executive elect officially terminates John E. Pennington





Snohomish County Executive elect Dave Somers has notified John E. Pennington that he will be collecting an unemployment check as of January 1, 2016.  John E. Pennington has been officially terminated from Snohomish County Department of Emergency Management.

However paycheck stubs from April 2014 document that Pennington has been on paid administrative leave since March 2014, after he caused the deaths of 43 Oso Washington residents. Public records confirm that instead of doing his job, John E. Pennington criminally harassed citizens instead of mitigating loss of human life.

Our readers should know that in 2014, John Pennington was the sole person in charge of mitigation for Oso Washington residents.

As result of Pennington’s criminal activity, Snohomish County currently has 33 Oso mudslide victims and survivors suing the County for millions. Three months ago, a Judge in King County held that the victims can sue Snohomish County, but only for John Pennington’s failure to mitigate loss of human life.

Why is simple: instead of mitigating damages for residents in the second largest preventable loss of life natural disaster, John E. Pennington criminally harassed citizens instead of doing his job.


Also,  John E. Pennington and Crystal Hill Pennington ( nee Berg, bank fraud 2005) are being sued for Racketeering in US Federal Court with a  new Racketeering and 1983 complaint coming just in time for 2016.


For those of you who may not know, John E. Pennington’s criminal background for the last 30 years was searched and investigated by two fantastic investigators.


From FEMA to Snohomish County Washington, dark  secrets unearthed. Gold Bar Reporters were the first to report on John E. Pennington’s criminal conduct, a small portion of our report is outlined below

UPDATE: Public records reveal that Snohomish County Prosecutor Mark Roe confirmed that John E. Pennington is man responsible for the rape of a 5 year old girl from Cowlitz County Washington


John E. Pennington, only suspect in rape of 5 year old child from Cowlitz County, Washington; also kicked out of a San Diego church for molesting two boys during a church camping trip




We’ve been investigating John Pennington’s past thirty years on this planet for over seven years.

Pages from Socipath John Pennington-2We never thought we’d get to this point, finally uncovering why John E. Pennington has been so desperately trying to hide hs past. Well it’s simple, he’s a pedophile ( who enjoys taking naked showers with little girls, molested two boys ) and a wife beater, and once the feds learned the truth he was terminated from FEMA.

John Pennington is a sociopath; and how he met an attorney named Michael Kenyon who helped Johnny cover up his rape of a five year old child from Cowlitz County.

Well documented in our past stories

What John Pennington was trying to hide for so many years, his prior conviction for criminal harassment ( assault of an ex-fiancé in Oregon) as noted in the following public records as prior conviction”

In 2000, John Pennington was George Bush Jr’s campaign manager here in Washington State.  Soon after George Bush Jr. was elected ( or stole the election with his brother’s assistance depending what you believe), George Jr. appointed John E Pennington and Michael Browne to positions inside FEMA. Sadly for America, not one FEMA Director was qualified for such positions.

As a result of Michael Browne and John Pennington’s inability to read, write and think effectively caused thousands of minority deaths in Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina was an eye opener for those of us who actually earned accredited degrees and whose parents taught us to think critically. George W Bush Jr.’s decision to appoint friends instead of educated and skilled people resulted in massive human loss of life In New Orleans.

Had this story ended in New Orleans, we wouldn’t be exposing John E.Pennington today. But it didn’t, why is simple, because Washington State Senator Jennifer Dunn decided to use her political clout to appoint an uneducated bum to FEMA Region 10 ( Pacific Northwest).

What is even crazier is that George W Bush made an executive appointment without ever running a single background check on John Pennington prior to appointing him.

All that changed when America started calling for Michael Brownie’s head for causing  so many deaths in New Orleans. Perhaps Michael Browne might have survived press scrutiny had he not put in his email that was heading to Nordstroms to purchase new clothes for the cameras, while at the same time thousands of African Americans were floating down the street or in lock down inside an unsafe convention center.

African Americans were drowning in the streets of New Orleans, because FEMA Directors lacked basic college skills to handle such a disaster. In the case of Michael Browne, an unaccredited undergraduate degree as well as unaccredited law school diploma. In the case of John Pennington, an online diploma mill degree from an online school the U.S. Dept of Education said sold online diplomas at a flat rate, California Coastal College.

Hurricane Katrina, good bye Brownie, Hello Penny

After Michael Browne and Bernard Kerik made a laughing stock out of the George W and America, George Jr was quoted as saying ‘ Penny will make a great director of FEMA.”This was November 2005. But this time, the feds actually ran an extensive background on John Pennington, and discovered what we learned through years of sifting through public records. John Pennington is a dangerous sociopath with real anger management issues; anger he often takes out on women and children.

I never really thought much of George W Bush Jr. other than he’s a spolied little rich kid who never worked for a living. For the same reason, I couldn’t vote for Al Gore in 2000. Thus, I became one of Ralph Nader’s Raiders in 2000.

Fact is that I probably ran into John Pennington at the Republican National Convention that year in Philadelphia. I, and 1,000,000. Americans blocked the entrance to the Republican National Convention Center preventing many of George Jr’s delegates from accessing the convention center that year.

I was a proud member of Massachusettes ACT UP from UMASS, and had traveled all over the U.S. protesting what I believed to be unequal treatment of economically disadvantaged Americans in favor of corporations. I’m a strong believer that America should place people over profits.”

Strangely, I always had respect for George Bush Sr. Why is simple: George Sr is a well educated savey free thinker who listens to his opponents. Unlike his son, George Jr. , who was given a little too much growing up without working for it.  Hard work goes along way in molding one’s self esteem.

In 2005, Michael Browne was blamed for the deaths of thousands, because he was appointed to a position that he wasn’t qualified for.  So when George Jr. had to make a new appointment to FEMA Director, he looked to a devil wrapping himself with pages of the Bible, while at the same time molesting children and violently assaulting a pregnant woman in her third trimester, John E. Pennington.

For those reporting the news in Washington D.C just after George Bush Jr’s FEMA Directors caused so much misery to so many residents and their survivors in New Orleans, Bush Jr. was quoted as saying ” Penny would make a great Director.”

Because the feds didn’t want George Jr. to go through yet another scathing news story like he did when he chose Kerik to head Homeland Security (who ended up being prime suspect in a murder case and had direct ties to organized crime) and Michael Browne and his fake degrees with extensive skills in horse breeding debacles, any appointment would go through extensive background checks prior to Congressional Hearings.

As a result of the feds extensive background check on John Pennington, he was forced to resign from FEMA or be exposed in a very public way. John Pennington lied about his termination from FEMA stating that he and Tamara Doherty were caught misusing the FEMA credit cards.

This was simply a smoke screen to cover up what we just learned from a federal source over Labor Day Weekend.

John Pennington was terminated from FEMA because the feds learned what we reported on over the last seven years; pedophilia deviant uneducated child abuser who has sick fetish for kids, John Pennington. A sociopath who reminds me of Ted Bundy.

Unfortunately for Oso Washington residents,  George W Bush Jr.’s  administration thought it was ok to set him loose on Snohomish County residents just so George Jr didn’t have to suffer public press embarassment again.

On March 24, 2014, John Pennington caused 43 residents in Oso Washington to suffocate to death in Washington State’s most preventable loss of life natural disaster. Instead of mitigating loss to human life, John Pennington worked on his fraudulent online diploma, operated his personal business on the County’s dime and while using county resources and staff, violently assaulted children and women, and criminally harassed me right from Snohomish County Offices operating an online blog ” The Sky Valley Chronicle.  “  An online blog owned by Aaron Reardon but operated by Gold Bar’s Mayor Crystal Hill ( nee Berg who plead guilty to bank fraud in 2005), John Pennington,  and Gold Bar’s former Mayor Joe Beavers.

I believe John Pennington should be charged with negligent homicide for the 43 people he killed in the Oso mudslides.

Since John E. Pennington killed 43 Oso residents in the mudslides, we have searched his travel records and beleive he is responsible for missing children in four different states, and have ample evidence to state John Pennington is the man responsbile for the rape of that five year old child from Colwitz County Washington.

Sadly, John Pennington remains on the loose up here in Snohomis County. So long as John Pennington remains on the loose, I will continue to investigate and report on his criminal sexual deviant conduct.

Protecting Our children from a sociopath like John Pennington is worth every sacrifice we’ve made as a result  of shinning much needed sunshine on cockroaches who harm molest and abuse our kids.

Our Children’s mental well being has no price tag.  I agree with Hillary Clinton it takes a village to raise children.”

John Pennington’s trial in the Oso mudslide debacle will be live streamed by the Gold Bar Reporters starting in June 2016.  Stay tuned, it will be our pleasure to bring it “live” to our followers.

John Pennington’s involvement with Echo Lake animal abuse sex scandal will be discussed in the very near future.  Let’s just say,  “  Penny is a sick bastard!”





Washington State Bar Racketeering caught on camera


From FEMA to Snohomish County Washington, dark  secrets unearthed; Washington State Bar Association to protect pedophiles and wife beaters like John E. Pennington

UPDATE: Public records reveal that Snohomish County Prosecutor Mark Roe confirmed that John E. Pennington is man responsible for the rape of a 5 year old girl from Cowlitz County Washington


John E. Pennington, only suspect in rape of 5 year old child from Cowlitz County, Washington; also kicked out of a San Diego church for molesting two boys during a church camping trip




We’ve been investigating John Pennington’s past thirty years on this planet for over seven years.

Pages from Socipath John Pennington-2We never thought we’d get to this point, finally uncovering why John E. Pennington has been so desperately trying to hide hs past. Well it’s simple, he’s a pedophile ( who enjoys taking naked showers with little girls, molested two boys ) and a wife beater, and once the feds learned the truth he was terminated from FEMA.

John Pennington is a sociopath; and how he met an attorney named Michael Kenyon who helped Johnny cover up his rape of a five year old child from Cowlitz County.

Well documented in our past stories

What John Pennington was trying to hide for so many years, his prior conviction for criminal harassment ( assault of an ex-fiancé in Oregon) as noted in the following public records as ” prior conviction”

In 2000, John Pennington was George Bush Jr’s campaign manager here in Washington State.  Soon after George Bush Jr. was elected ( or stole the election with his brother’s assistance depending what you believe), George Jr. appointed John E Pennington and Michael Browne to positions inside FEMA. Sadly for America, not one FEMA Director was qualified for such positions.

As a result of Michael Browne and John Pennington’s inability to read, write and think effectively caused thousands of minority deaths in Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina was an eye opener for those of us who actually earned accredited degrees and whose parents taught us to think critically. George W Bush Jr.’s decision to appoint friends instead of educated and skilled people resulted in massive human loss of life In New Orleans.

Had this story ended in New Orleans, we wouldn’t be exposing John E.Pennington today. But it didn’t, why is simple, because Washington State Senator Jennifer Dunn decided to use her political clout to appoint an uneducated bum to FEMA Region 10 ( Pacific Northwest).

What is even crazier is that George W Bush made an executive appointment without ever running a single background check on John Pennington prior to appointing him.

All that changed when America started calling for Michael Brownie’s head for causing  so many deaths in New Orleans. Perhaps Michael Browne might have survived press scrutiny had he not put in his email that was heading to Nordstroms to purchase new clothes for the cameras, while at the same time thousands of African Americans were floating down the street or in lock down inside an unsafe convention center.

African Americans were drowning in the streets of New Orleans, because FEMA Directors lacked basic college skills to handle such a disaster. In the case of Michael Browne, an unaccredited undergraduate degree as well as unaccredited law school diploma. In the case of John Pennington, an online diploma mill degree from an online school the U.S. Dept of Education said sold online diplomas at a flat rate, California Coastal College.

Hurricane Katrina, good bye Brownie, Hello Penny

After Michael Browne and Bernard Kerik made a laughing stock out of the George W and America, George Jr was quoted as saying ‘ Penny will make a great director of FEMA.”This was November 2005. But this time, the feds actually ran an extensive background on John Pennington, and discovered what we learned through years of sifting through public records. John Pennington is a dangerous sociopath with real anger management issues; anger he often takes out on women and children.

I never really thought much of George W Bush Jr. other than he’s a spolied little rich kid who never worked for a living. For the same reason, I couldn’t vote for Al Gore in 2000. Thus, I became one of Ralph Nader’s Raiders in 2000.

Fact is that I probably ran into John Pennington at the Republican National Convention that year in Philadelphia. I, and 1,000,000. Americans blocked the entrance to the Republican National Convention Center preventing many of George Jr’s delegates from accessing the convention center that year.

I was a proud member of Massachusettes ACT UP from UMASS, and had traveled all over the U.S. protesting what I believed to be unequal treatment of economically disadvantaged Americans in favor of corporations. I’m a strong believer that America should place ” people over profits.”

Strangely, I always had respect for George Bush Sr. Why is simple: George Sr is a well educated savey free thinker who listens to his opponents. Unlike his son, George Jr. , who was given a little too much growing up without working for it.  Hard work goes along way in molding one’s self esteem.

In 2005, Michael Browne was blamed for the deaths of thousands, because he was appointed to a position that he wasn’t qualified for.  So when George Jr. had to make a new appointment to FEMA Director, he looked to a devil wrapping himself with pages of the Bible, while at the same time molesting children and violently assaulting a pregnant woman in her third trimester, John E. Pennington.

For those reporting the news in Washington D.C just after George Bush Jr’s FEMA Directors caused so much misery to so many residents and their survivors in New Orleans, Bush Jr. was quoted as saying ” Penny would make a great Director.”

Because the feds didn’t want George Jr. to go through yet another scathing news story like he did when he chose Kerik to head Homeland Security (who ended up being prime suspect in a murder case and had direct ties to organized crime) and Michael Browne and his fake degrees with extensive skills in horse breeding debacles, any appointment would go through extensive background checks prior to Congressional Hearings.

As a result of the feds extensive background check on John Pennington, he was forced to resign from FEMA or be exposed in a very public way. John Pennington lied about his termination from FEMA stating that he and Tamara Doherty were caught misusing the FEMA credit cards.

This was simply a smoke screen to cover up what we just learned from a federal source over Labor Day Weekend.

John Pennington was terminated from FEMA because the feds learned what we reported on over the last seven years; pedophilia deviant uneducated child abuser who has sick fetish for kids, John Pennington. A sociopath who reminds me of Ted Bundy.

Unfortunately for Oso Washington residents,  George W Bush Jr.’s  administration thought it was ok to set him loose on Snohomish County residents just so George Jr didn’t have to suffer public press embarassment again.

On March 24, 2014, John Pennington caused 43 residents in Oso Washington to suffocate to death in Washington State’s most preventable loss of life natural disaster. Instead of mitigating loss to human life, John Pennington worked on his fraudulent online diploma, operated his personal business on the County’s dime and while using county resources and staff, violently assaulted children and women, and criminally harassed me right from Snohomish County Offices operating an online blog ” The Sky Valley Chronicle.”An online blog owned by Aaron Reardon but operated by Gold Bar’s Mayor Crystal Hill ( nee Berg who plead guilty to bank fraud in 2005), John Pennington,  and Gold Bar’s former Mayor Joe Beavers.

I believe John Pennington should be charged with negligent homicide for the 43 people he killed in the Oso mudslides.

Since John E. Pennington killed 43 Oso residents in the mudslides, we have searched his travel records and beleive he is responsible for missing children in four different states, and have ample evidence to state John Pennington is the man responsbile for the rape of that five year old child from Colwitz County Washington.

Sadly, John Pennington remains on the loose up here in Snohomis County. So long as John Pennington remains on the loose, I will continue to investigate and report on his criminal sexual deviant conduct.

Protecting Our children from a sociopath like John Pennington is worth every sacrifice we’ve made as a result  of shinning much needed sunshine on cockroaches who harm molest and abuse our kids.

Our Children’s mental well being has no price tag.  I agree with Hillary Clinton ” it takes a village to raise children.”

John Pennington’s trial in the Oso mudslide debacle will be live streamed by the Gold Bar Reporters starting in June 2016.  Stay tuned, it will be our pleasure to bring it “live” to our followers.

John Pennington’s involvement with Echo Lake animal abuse sex scandal will be discussed in the very near future.  Let’s just say,  ” Penny is a sick bastard!”





From FEMA to Snohomish County Washington, dark secrets unearthed


We’ve been investigating John Pennington’s past thirty years on this planet for over seven years.

We never thought we’d get to this point, finally uncovering why John E. Pennington has been so desperately trying to hide hs past. Well it’s simple, he’s a pedophile and a wife beater, and once the feds learned the truth he was terminated from FEMA.

John Pennington is a sociopath; and how he met an attorney named Michael Kenyon who helped Johnny cover up his rape of a five year old child from Cowlitz County.

Well documented in our past stories

What John Pennington was trying to hide for so many years

In 2000, John Pennington was George Bush Jr’s campaign manager here in Washington State.  Soon after George Bush Jr. was elected ( or stole the election with his brother’s assistance depending what you believe), George Jr. appointed John E Pennington and Michael Browne to positions inside FEMA. Sadly for America, not one FEMA Director was qualified for such positions.

As a result of Michael Browne and John Pennington’s inability to read, write and think effectively caused thousands of minority deaths in Hurricane Katrina.

Hurricane Katrina was an eye opener for those of us who actually earned accredited degrees and whose parents taught us to think critically. George W Bush Jr.’s decision to appoint friends instead of educated and skilled people resulted in massive human loss of life In New Orleans.

Had this story ended in New Orleans, we wouldn’t be exposing John E.Pennington today. But it didn’t, why is simple, because Washington State Senator Jennifer Dunn decided to use her political clout to appoint an uneducated bum to FEMA Region 10 ( Pacific Northwest).

What is even crazier is that George W Bush made an executive appointment without ever running a single background check on John Pennington prior to appointing him.

All that changed when America started calling for Michael Brownie’s head for causing  so many deaths in New Orleans. Perhaps Michael Browne might have survived press scrutiny had he not put in his email that was heading to Nordstroms to purchase new clothes for the cameras, while at the same time thousands of African Americans were floating down the street or in lock down inside an unsafe convention center.

African Americans were drowning in the streets of New Orleans, because FEMA Directors lacked basic college skills to handle such a disaster. In the case of Michael Browne, an unaccredited undergraduate degree as well as unaccredited law school diploma. In the case of John Pennington, an online diploma mill degree from an online school the U.S. Dept of Education said sold online diplomas at a flat rate, California Coastal College.

Hurricane Katrina, good bye Brownie, Hello Penny

After Michael Browne and Bernard Kerik made a laughing stock out of the George W and America, George Jr was quoted as saying ‘ Penny will make a great director of FEMA.”  This was November 2005. But this time, the feds actually ran an extensive background on John Pennington, and discovered what we learned through years of sifting through public records. John Pennington is a dangerous sociopath with real anger management issues; anger he often takes out on women and children.

I never really thought much of George W Bush Jr. other than he’s a spolied little rich kid who never worked for a living. For the same reason, I couldn’t vote for Al Gore in 2000. Thus, I became one of Ralph Nader’s Raiders in 2000.

Fact is that I probably ran into John Pennington at the Republican National Convention that year in Philadelphia. I, and 1,000,000. Americans blocked the entrance to the Republican National Convention Center preventing many of George Jr’s delegates from accessing the convention center that year.

I was a proud member of Massachusettes ACT UP from UMASS, and had traveled all over the U.S. protesting what I believed to be unequal treatment of economically disadvantaged Americans in favor of corporations. I’m a strong believer that America should place ” people over profits.”

Strangely, I always had respect for George Bush Sr. Why is simple: George Sr is a well educated savey free thinker who listens to his opponents. Unlike his son, George Jr. , who was given a little too much growing up without working for it.  Hard work goes along way in molding one’s self esteem.

In 2005, Michael Browne was blamed for the deaths of thousands, because he was appointed to a position that he wasn’t qualified for.  So when George Jr. had to make a new appointment to FEMA Director, he looked to a devil wrapping himself with pages of the Bible, while at the same time molesting children and violently assaulting a pregnant woman in her third trimester, John E. Pennington.

For those reporting the news in Washington D.C just after George Bush Jr’s FEMA Directors caused so much misery to so many residents and their survivors in New Orleans, Bush Jr. was quoted as saying ” Penny would make a great Director.”

Because the feds didn’t want George Jr. to go through yet another scathing news story like he did when he chose Kerik to head Homeland Security (who ended up being prime suspect in a murder case and had direct ties to organized crime) and Michael Browne and his fake degrees with extensive skills in horse breeding debacles, any appointment would go through extensive background checks prior to Congressional Hearings.

As a result of the feds extensive background check on John Pennington, he was forced to resign from FEMA or be exposed in a very public way. John Pennington lied about his termination from FEMA stating that he and Tamara Doherty were caught misusing the FEMA credit cards.

This was simply a smoke screen to cover up what we just learned from a federal source over Labor Day Weekend.

John Pennington was terminated from FEMA because the feds learned what we reported on over the last seven years; pedophilia deviant uneducated child abuser who has sick fetish for kids, John Pennington. A sociopath who reminds me of Ted Bundy.

Unfortunately for Oso Washington residents,  George W Bush Jr.’s  administration thought it was ok to set him loose on Snohomish County residents just so George Jr didn’t have to suffer public press embarassment again.

On March 24, 2014, John Pennington caused 43 residents in Oso Washington to suffocate to death in Washington State’s most preventable loss of life natural disaster. Instead of mitigating loss to human life, John Pennington worked on his fraudulent online diploma, operated his personal business on the County’s dime and while using county resources and staff, violently assaulted children and women, and criminally harassed me right from Snohomish County Offices operating an online blog ” The Sky Valley Chronicle.”  An online blog owned by Aaron Reardon but operated by Gold Bar’s Mayor Crystal Hill ( nee Berg who plead guilty to bank fraud in 2005), John Pennington,  and Gold Bar’s former Mayor Joe Beavers.

I believe John Pennington should be charged with negligent homicide for the 43 people he killed in the Oso mudslides.

Since John E. Pennington killed 43 Oso residents in the mudslides, we have searched his travel records and beleive he is responsible for missing children in four different states, and have ample evidence to state John Pennington is the man responsbile for the rape of that five year old child from Colwitz County Washington.

Sadly, John Pennington remains on the loose up here in Snohomis County. So long as John Pennington remains on the loose, I will continue to investigate and report on his criminal sexual deviant conduct.

Protecting Our children from a sociopath like John Pennington is worth every sacrifice we’ve made as a result  of shinning much needed sunshine on cockroaches who harm molest and abuse our kids.

Our Children’s mental well being has no price tag.  I agree with Hillary Clinton ” it takes a village to raise children.”

John Pennington’s trial in the Oso mudslide debacle will be live streamed by the Gold Bar Reporters starting in June 2016.  Stay tuned, it will be our pleasure to bring it “live” to our followers.