Three boys make allegations of child sexual abuse against King County Superior Court Judge Michael Scott

Over the last few months three victims contacted the Gold Bar Reporter, alleging that King County Superior Court Judge Michael Scott sexually abused them while he served as a Deacon Grace Episcopal Church , located in Bainbridge Island, Washington.

From 1999 to 2005, three boys claimed that King County Superior Court Judge Michael Scott would groom them by buying them gifts, like candy and pornographic magazines, and often would supply marijuana and booze.

All three boys were underage at the time Michael Scott sexually assaulted them, and all three were members of the same church where Michael Scott heavily influenced that parish.

Michael Scott came under our radar as corrupt after public records reveal that he served as a Special Assistant Prosecutor for King and Snohomish County, received over 22 Million from Lloyds of London syndicates at Association of Washington Cities, worked as a Special Assistant Attorney General (SAAG) and was a paid speaker for the Washington State Bar Association without disclosing his pecuniary interests with the State of Washington and the County governments before making decisions on hundreds of cases involving his contractors (AG, Counties, AWC, WSBA).

In 2018, King County Superior Court Judge Michael Scott also heard and decide a case against a few young activist, siding with his former employer, the Washington State Attorney General’s Office, in

Our counsel stated that under Gonzales ruling which was handed down from the Washington Court of Appeals Division One, no judge can hear or decide a case who served as an AG, SAP, or AWC contractor when the Judge’s former employer i.e. the Counties, State of Washington, WSBA, and/or AWC are representing any party.

In civil and criminal cases, Judge Michael Scott made decisions 198 cases involving his employer/ contractor King and Snohomish Counties, AWC, AG’s Office, and the WSBA.

With no surprise, Judge Michael Scott nor his church denies that Scott molested three boys while he served as a Deacon at Grace Episcopal Church.

Is this the best that Governor Inslee could do by assigning a child molester to an open Superior Court seat?

Judge Michael Scott was contacted for comment but refused.